
Mistakes that can lead to danger when using a geyser

The most useful gadget in the house during winter is the geyser. Having a geyser saves you from the hassle of heating water for bathing or drinking. H

 Mistakes that can lead to danger when using a geyser

The most useful gadget in the house during winter is the geyser. Having a geyser saves you from the hassle of heating water for bathing or drinking. However, various problems can arise in using a geyser.

Along with this, electricity bills are increasing. In addition, if you do not follow many important rules when using an electric geyser, it can be a big danger. Not only that, you can also get an electric shock.

Geyser manufacturing companies also give instructions, but in most cases, users neglect these rules. What are the important things to keep in mind while using a geyser-

>> Be careful if there is any leakage, strange noise or rust. Identifying minor problems in time can avoid major disasters later.

>> Geysers should be cleaned at regular intervals. Over time, water stains and other dirt can accumulate in the geyser. Therefore, cleaning is essential. This can be dangerous.

>> The geyser has a pressure relief valve, which prevents your geyser from overheating and coming under too much pressure.

>> If this valve gets stuck for any reason, the geyser can also explode. Therefore, check once a year whether this valve is working properly or not.

>> Every appliance has a lifespan. If your geyser is also causing repeated problems or is no longer heating water as well as it used to, it is probably time to replace it.

>> Modern water heaters are more energy-efficient and safer, which means you can save on electricity costs and avoid the stress of frequent repairs. However, don't become an expert in fixing geyser problems yourself. Leave this task to a professional.

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